The Bogotá Temple is such a beautiful Temple! The people of Colombia travel long distances to attend. They bring their children who stay outside the temple and play games and look after each other while their parents attend the sessions. They are so well behaved and so sweet! It’s quite a sacrifice to spend so many, many hours traveling by bus in order to attend. They know it’s worth it! They are wonderful, dedicated members of the Church!
These little children were so well behaved! Many families travel hundreds of miles to come to the temple and when they arrive, the older kids babysit the younger kids outside on the lawn; patiently playing games and eating snacks. The little children even dress in their Sunday best just to wait outside.
So glad to find your blog. My son, Elder Hale just arrived at the Bogota CCM Wednesday, November 17th and will be joining the Bogota North mission sometime after Dec. 31st. As his family of Mom, Dad and three sisters, your blog of the mission is very comforting. We know he’s doing the Lords work and it is wonderful to see he will be in good hands. Although we miss him terribly, we wouldn’t want him to be anywhere else at this time. Our family prays daily (and often hourly) for these missionaries and this mission and our son as they adjust to being there and joining Gods army . Thanks again for creating this blog!
Dear Hale Family, Elder Hale arrived earlier this week and is in the beautiful city of Bucaramanga with a wonderful companion, Elder Mayorga! I’m glad that you found my blog! I actually haven’t even “announced” that I started a blog because I’ve been a bit slow getting the photos on there! Hopefully I’ll be up to date soon
Thanks for writing–we love your son and will take good care of him! -sl