The Battle of Boyacá

Boyacá is known as “The Land of Freedom” because it was here that Colombia finally gained independence from Spain. The final battle took place near Bogotá in the Andes Mountains. The bridge, el Puente de Boyacá, is no longer in use but it has been maintained as a symbol of the Independence of South America.The “Furnace of Independence” burns on forever and never goes out to symbolise the burning gratitude that Colombians have for their independence.


Boyaca Bridge. In this place the most glorious battle action was undertaken.

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The Fruit Market

Every Wednesday, I hike up the hill behind our house to the fruit market. I have never seen such beautiful fruit! The fruit here is so much bigger and sweeter! The carrots are so big I didn’t even recognize them! We have tried Pitahaya, Curuba, Lulo, Tomate de arbol, Guanábana, Zapotge, Maracuyá, Granadilla, Feijoa, Uchuva, Mora berries, Barojó, and Mangosteen. Some have become my favorite fruit! And others…I know not to buy again.


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